Gridlock Break

Former Attorneys General Doug Gansler and Jon Bruning

Episode Summary

Bruning served as Attorney General of Nebraska from 2002 to 2014, the youngest Attorney General in the nation when he took office. He is now the Managing Partner of Bruning Law Group. Today, they will discuss the role of the Attorney General, specifically in the upcoming election. There are three unusual factors to the upcoming election: (1) the dangerous level of polarization (2) COVID-19’s impact on voter turnout; and (3) the impact of the racial unrest and protests, specifically on Joe Biden’s choice of a running mate. You just heard Doug Gansler and Jon Bruning discuss all these factors and why their bipartisan relationship could and should be a model for others in politics.

Episode Notes

Bruning served as Attorney General of Nebraska from 2002 to 2014, the youngest Attorney General in the nation when he took office. He is now the Managing Partner of Bruning Law Group. Today, they will discuss the role of the Attorney General, specifically in the upcoming election. 

There are three unusual factors to the upcoming election: (1) the dangerous level of polarization (2) COVID-19’s impact on voter turnout; and (3) the impact of the racial unrest and protests, specifically on Joe Biden’s choice of a running mate. You just heard Doug Gansler and Jon Bruning discuss all these factors and why their bipartisan relationship could and should be a model for others in politics. 

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